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Your main feature: the profile

Info’s about your profile settings, contact details, your profile image, your interview and so on and so forth….

  • What does 100% Safer Sex mean and how can I get this on my profile?

    [img src=""] With this badge the escorts can highlight that they offer all their services with protection only. The ...

  • Only playtime? Info about "doll profiles"!

    Recently, providers with lifelike alternatives to real escorts have established themselves on the market: the so-called doll brothels. We also take this development into account on Kaufmich and allow ...

  • How can my profile get even more attention?

    Kaufmich is home to thousands of profiles, all designed to attract clients. And it's not easy to stand out or get noticed among so many offers.  That's why we have a few tips for you on how you can s...