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Very popular: favourites

The lists of favourites help you keep an overview of your contacts; you can find infos about this here.

  • The Kaufmich Forum - for you, from you, with you!

    Seek and you shall find - and that's for certain in our new forum for all users. Here you will find help, feedback possibilities, like-minded people, exchange and also the one or other interesting top...

  • What is the "Favourites list" and how do I create it?

    To keep track of the members who interest you or with whom you are already in contact and want to maintain this contact, you can create a list of your favourites. To do this, visit the profile in que...

  • How can I see who favoured me?

    Plus members  []also have the opportunity to see who has added them as a favourite []. So they can not only build their own ne...

  • How can I see who favorised me?

    Plus members [] have the additional possibility to see, who has added them as a favourite. That way, they can not only build their own sex network, bu...