Escorts, clients and businesses can upload photos and videos to Kaufmich.
Only photos in JPG format and with an image size between 50 KB and 5 MB are permitted. The resolution must not exceed 50 megapixels (which corresponds to a maximum image size of 5000 x 10000 pixels).
When uploading, please observe our image rules, which you can find here.
You can easily upload your pictures & videos to your profile via - Settings / My profile / Photo gallery.
First, choose between ‘Add photo’ or ‘Add video’. In the window that opens, click/tap on the camera symbol labelled ‘Add photo’. In the next step, select the corresponding photo / video or the path in which it is located. Finally, click/tap on ‘Upload’ to confirm.
Your pictures / videos will then be stored in a cache and will be uploaded to your profile as soon as they have been checked by our support team and categorized according to their age rating. So please be patient.
To change the order of the arrangement, click/tap and hold the corresponding image for 3 seconds and drag it to the desired position. As soon as you let go, the image will take up the selected position.
In order to be allowed to publish images / videos with FSK18 content via, our declaration of consent must first be completed, signed and sent to Please include the term CONSENT FORM in the subject line.
Reiner Support