Not all of our members abide by the community rules and you may see forbidden content on their profiles or bad behavior towards others. On Kaufmich you have the possibility to report user profiles that violate against the Kaufmich rules.
Reasons to report a profile:
- Different violations of the law
- Underage users
- Forced prostitution
- Pimping
- Fraud
- Defamation
- Unprotected practices (AO, OV/AV/GV without protection)
- Content glorifying violence
- Violations of our community rules
- Multiple profiles
- Spamming, advertising for other sites
- Insult
- Threats
- False profile information and photos
This is how you report a profile:
First, click on the three dots below the picture in the affected profile.
There you will find the option "report". Click this and you can report the other member, giving the reasons. Choose a reason and explain as good as possible what happened. You can also attach photos in the reason.
You can also report messages with illegal, untrue or offensive content. Just click "report" in the upper right corner of the message by the three dots.
What happens then?
All reports are immediately processed and checked by our support team. If there is a violation of the applicable law or our community game rules, the member in question will be warned or even banned.
Please note: You will not be informed about our actions. Therefore it is not necessary to report a profile more than once. If the profile you reported is still active, it is because there were not sufficient reasons for a sanction.