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How do I create a new blog and how can I edit it?

In your blog manager, select write a blog entry.

When creating a blog entry, please make sure that it is not an advertisement for you or your profile. The blog rules can be found in the FAQ entry "What is a blog and are there blog rules?"

When creating a blog entry, you first choose a category. First the headline and then the text follows. There you have to use at least 300 characters.

You can also insert an image - this must be between 50 KB and 5 MB. It must be in landscape format.

Should comments be allowed? You can also decide that. Preview your blog or upload it directly. Once you have uploaded your blog, you will see a preview first. It will only be put online after it has been checked by the support team.

If three of your blogs are approved by the support team in a row, your blogs will no longer need to be checked by the support team, but will go online immediately. However, if you violate any of the blog rules, your blogs will have to be reviewed again before they go online.

You can manage or edit your written blog posts in your blog manager. It is possible to delete already published blog articles.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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